Glossary, Chapter 10


Click on the table to which you wish to go. Then scroll within the table to find a particular word or phrase. Once you have located the word or phrase, click on it to go to the corresponding glossary entry.

 Words from Table 10.4

 Words from Table 10.9

 Words from Table 10.13



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Table 10.4

Anatomy and Physiology Terms Relating to the Nervous System

afferent neurons (n)  
arachnoid (n)  
astrocyte (n)  
autonomic nervous system (n)  
axon (n)  
brain (n)  
brainstem (n)  
catecholamine (n)  
cell body (n)  
central nervous system (n)  
cerebral cortex (n); cerebral cortices (pl); cerebral cortical (adj)  
cerebrospinal fluid (n)  
cerebrum (n); cerebra (pl); cerebral (adj)  
dendrite (n)  
diencephalon (n)  
dorsal root (n)  
dura mater (n)  
efferent neurons (n)  
frontal lobe (n)  
ganglion (n); ganglia, ganglions (pl)  
glia (n); glial (adj)  
gyrus (n); gyri (pl)  
hemisphere (n)  
hypothalamus (n)  
innervate (v); innervation (n)  
interneurons (n)  
medulla oblongata (n)  
meninges (pl); meninx (n); meningis (n)  
microglia (n)  
midbrain (n)  
myelin (n); myelination (n); myelinic (adj)  
neuroglia (n)   
neurology (n); neurologist (n); neurologic (adj); neurological (adj)   
neuron (n)  
neurotransmitter (n)  
node of Ranvier (n)  
occipital lobe (n); occiput (n)  
oligodendroglia (n)  
parasympathetic nervous system (n)  
parietal lobes (n)  
peripheral nervous system (n)  
pia mater (n)  
pons (n); pontes (pl)  
reflex arc (n)  
Schwann cells (n)  
somatic nervous system (n)  
sulci (pl); sulcus (n)  
sympathetic nervous system (n)  
synapse (n)  
temporal lobe (n)  
thalamus (n)  
ventricle (n)  



Table 10.9

Wellness and Illness Terms Relating to the Nervous System

Alzheimer's disease (n)  
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n); amyotrophia (n)  
anencephaly (n); anencephalic (adj); anencephalia (n); anencephalous (adj)  
aphasia (n); aphasic (adj)  
ataxia (n)  
aura (n); aurae (pl)  
Bell's palsy (n)  
cerebral palsy  
cerebrovascular accident  
decerebrate (adj)  
decorticate (v)  
dementia (n)  
dermatome (n)  
dysphagia (n)  
dysphasia (n)  
extrapyramidal tract  
hydrocephalus (n)  
ictal (adj)  
infantile automatisms (n)  
intention tremor (n)  
meningomyelocele (n)  
microcephaly (n)  
multiple sclerosis (n)  
muscular dystrophy (n)  
opisthotonos (n)  
paralysis (n)  
paresis (n)  
paresthesia (n); paresthetic (adj)  
Parkinsonís disease (n)  
poliomyelitis (n)  
seizure (n)  
spina bifida (n)  
Tourette syndrome (n)  
transient ischemic attack (n)  



Table 10.13

Tests and Procedures Relating to the Nervous System

brain scan (n)  
lobectomy (n)  
lumbar puncture  
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  
positron emission tomography (PET)  
Romberg test  
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)  
spinal tap  