Glossary, Chapter 13


Click on the table to which you wish to go. Then scroll within the table to find a particular word or phrase. Once you have located the word or phrase, click on it to go to the corresponding glossary entry.

Words from Table 13.2

Words from Table 13.7

Words from Table 13.6

Words from Table 13.8



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Table 13.2

Anatomy and Physiology Terms Relating to the Circulatory System

aorta (n); aortae (pl); aortic (adj); aortal (adj)  
apex (n); apices (pl)  
arteriole (n)  
artery (n)  
atrioventricular node (AV node) (n)  
atrium (n); atria (pl); atrial (adj)  
bicuspid valve (n)  
bundle of His (n)  
capillary (n)  
chordae tendineae (n)  
diastole (n)  
diastolic pressure (n)  
epicardium (n); epicardial (adj)  
lumen (n); lumina (pl)  
mitral valve (bicuspid valve) (n)  
pericardium (n); pericardial (adj)  
pulse (n)  
Purkinje fibers (n)  
semilunar valves (n)  
septum (n)  
systole (n)  
systolic pressure (n)  
tricuspid valve (n)  
vein (n)  
vena cava (n); venae cavae (pl)  
ventricle (n)  
venules (n)  



Table 13.6

Wellness and Illness Terms Relating to the Circulatory System

angina (pectoris) (n)  
arrhythmia (n)  
bradycardia (n)  
cardiomegaly (n)  
clubbing (n)  
congestive heart failure (n)  
cor pulmonale (n)  
ectopic (beats) (adj); ectopia (n)  
endocarditis (n)  
fibrillation (n)  
heart block (n)  
infarct (n)  
ischemia (n)  
mammary souffle (n)  
myocardial infarction (n)  
myocarditis (n)  
palpitation (n)  
paroxysmal tachycardia (n)  
pericarditis (n)  
tachycardia (n)  



Table 13.7

Abnormalities in the Vasculature

aneurysm (n)  
arteriosclerosis  (n)  
arteriostenosis (n)  
arteritis (n)  
atherosclerosis (n)  
embolism (n) 
hyperlipemia (n)  
hypertension (n)  
phlebitis (n)  
Raynaud's disease (phenomenon, syndrome) (n)  
superior vena cava syndrome (n)  
thrombophlebitis (n)  
thrombosis (n); thromboses (pl)  
thrombus (n)  
varicose vein (n)  
vasoconstriction (n)  
vasodilation (n)  
vasospasm (n)  




Table 13.8

Tests and Procedures Relating to the Circulatory System

angiectomy (n)  
angiogram (n) 
angioplasty (n)  
balloon angioplasty (n)  
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) (n)  
echocardiogram (n)  
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (n)  
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (n)  
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (n)  
serum cholesterol (n)  
thallium stress test (n)  
transesophageal echocardiography (n)  
triglycerides (n)