Glossary, Chapter 17


Click on the table to which you wish to go. Then scroll within the table to find a particular word or phrase. Once you have located the word or phrase, click on it to go to the corresponding glossary entry.

Words from Table 17.2

Words from Table 17.5

Words from Table 17.3

 Words from Table 17.6



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Table 17.2

Anatomy and Physiology Terms Relating to the Female Reproductive System

areola (n); areolae (pl); areolar (adj)  
Bartholin's glands (n)  
breasts (n)  
cervix (n); cervices (pl); cervical (adj)  
clitoris (n); clitorides (pl)  
corpus albicans (n)  
corpus luteum (n)  
endometrium (n); endometria (pl); endometrial (adj)  
fallopian tube (n)  
fimbria (n); fimbriae (pl)  
follicle (n); follicular (adj); follicles (pl)  
fundus (n); fundi (pl) fundal (adj)  
Graafian follicle (n)  
gynecology (n); gynecologist (n); gynecologic (adj)  
hymen (n)  
labia majora (n)  
labia minora (n)  
lactiferous ducts (n)  
menses (n)  
menstrual cycle (n); menstruation (n); menstruate (v)  
mons pubis (n)  
myometrium (n)  
neonate (n); neonatal (adj); neonatologist (n); neonatology (n)  
obstetrics (n); obstetrician (n); obstetrical (adj)  
oocyte (n)  
oogenesis (n)  
ovulation (n)  
ovum (n); ova (pl)  
perineum (n); perinea (pl); perineal (adj)  
salpinx (sing); salpinges (pl)  
symphysis pubis (n)  
uterus (n); uteri (pl); uterine (adj)  
vagina (n); vaginal (adj)  
vestibule (n); vestibular (adj)  
vulva (n); vulvar (adj); vulval (adj) 



Table 17.3

Abnormalities with Menstruation

amenorrhea (n)  
dysmenorrhea (n)  
hypermenorrhea (n)  
hypomenorrhea (n)  
menometrorrhagia (n)  
menorrhagia (n)  
menorrhalgia (n)  
oligomenorrhea (n) 



Table 17.5

Wellness and Illness Terms Relating to the Female Reproductive System

agenesis (vaginal) (n)  
atresia (cervical) (n)  
cystocele (n)  
dyspareunia (n)  
endometriosis (n)  
endometrium (n); endometria (pl); endometrial (adj)  
fibroids (myomas) (n)  
human papillomavirus (HPV) (n)  
menarche (n)  
menopause (n)  
prolapse (uterine) (n)  
puberty (n)  
rectocele (n)  
salpingitis (n)  
salpinx (sing); salpinges (pl)  
sexually transmitted disease (STD) (n)  
speculum (sing); specula (pl)  
thelarche (n) 




Table 17.6

Tests and Procedures Relating to the Female Reproductive System

bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (n)  
bilateral tubal ligation (n)  
dilation and curettage (D&C) (n)  
ectopic (beats) (adj); ectopia (n)    
HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) (n)  
hysterectomy (n)  
mammogram (n)  
Pap smear (n)