Glossary, Chapter 5


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Words from Table 5.2

Words from Table 5.4

Words from Table 5.6

Words from Table 5.3

Words from Table 5.5


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Table 5.2

Anatomy and Physiology Terms Relating to the Skin, Hair, and Nails

adipose (adj)  
anagen (n)  
apocrine (adj)  
arrector pili (n)  
circumscribed (adj)  
collagen (n); collagenous (adj); collagenic (adj)  
confluent (adj)  
cutaneous (adj)  
cuticle (n)  
cyanosis (n)  
depilatory (adj) (n); depilate (v); depilation (n)  
dermatology (n)  
dermis (n); dermal (adj)  
eccrine (adj)  
ephelis (n); ephelides (pl)  
epidermis (n); epidermal (adj)  
follicle (n); follicular (adj); follicles (pl)  
integrity (n)  
integument (n); integumentary (adj)  
keratin (n) 
lanugo (n)  
lunula (n)  
melanin (n)  
melanocyte (n)    
Mongolian spot (n)  
nevus (n); nevi (pl)  
papilla (n); papillae (pl)  
root (n)  
sebaceous gland (n)  
seborrhea (n)  
sebum (n)  
shaft (hair) (n)   
stratum corneum (n)  
stratum germinativum (n)  
subcutaneous (adj)  
telogen (n)  
turgor (n)  
vernix caseosa  



Table 5.3

Primary Skin Lesions and Associated Abnormalities

bulla (n); bullae (pl)  
cyst (n)  
macule (n); macular (adj)  
nodule (n); nodular (adj) 
papule (n); papular (adj)  
plaque (n); plaques (pl) 
pustule (n); pustular (adj)  
urticaria (n); urticarial (adj)  
vesicle (n); vesicular (adj)  
wheal (n)  



Table 5.4

Secondary Skin Lesions and Associated Abnormalities

crust (n)  
erosion (n) 
excoriation (n)  
fissure (n)  
keloid (n)  
lichenification (n)  
scale (n)  
scar (n)  
ulcer (n)  



Table 5.5

Wellness and Illness Terms Relating to the Integumentary System

acne (n) 
acrochordon (n)  
acrocyanosis (n); acrocyanotic (adj) 
actinic keratosis (n) 
alopecia (n) 
alopecia areata (n) 
angioma (n)  
atopic dermatitis (n); atopia (n)  
basal cell carcinoma (n) 
cafe au lait spot (n)  
carotenemia (n)  
chloasma (n)  
comedo (n); comedones (pl)  
condyloma acuminatum (n); condylomata (pl)  
dermatitis (n)  
ecchymosis (n)  
eczema (n)  
erythema toxicum (n)  
eschar (n)  
exanthem (n); exanthema (n)  
folliculitis (n)  
hematoma (n)  
hidrosis (n)  
impetigo (n)  
keratosis (n)  
lentigo (n); lentigines (pl)  
linea nigra (n); lineae nigrae (pl)  
melanoma (n)  
milia (n) (pl); milium (sing; usually appearing as a rash, so plural is most common)  
nevus flammeus (n)  
nodule (n); nodular (adj)  
onycholysis (n)  
papule (n); papular (adj)  
paronychia (n); paronychial (adj)  
petechia (n); petechiae (pl)  
psoriasis (n)  
purpura (n)  
pustule (n); pustular (adj)  
seborrhea (n)  
squamous cell carcinoma (n)  
stria (n); striae (pl)  
telangiectasia (n); telangiectasis (n); telangiectases (pl)  
verruca (n)  
vitiligo (n)  
xanthoma (n)  
xerosis (n)  



Table 5.6

Procedures and Surgeries Relating to the Skin

debridement (n)  
dermabrasion (n)