Glossary, Chapter 7


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 Words from Table 7.5 Words from Table 7.6  Words from Table 7.11 



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Table 7.5

Anatomy and Physiology Terms Relating to Blood

agglutinate (v); agglutination (n); agglutinin (n)  
albumin (n)  
anemia (n)  
antibody (n); antibodies (pl)  
antigen (n); antigenic (adj)  
basophil (n)  
catalyze (v); catalyst (n); catalyzer (n); catalytic (adj)  
coagulation (n); coagulate (v); coagulant (n)  
corpuscle (n); corpuscular (adj)  
differentiate (v); differentiation (n)  
erythropoiesis (n); erythropoietin (n); erythropoietic (adj)  
fibrin (n)  
fibrinogen (n)  
globulin (n)  
glycoprotein (n)  
granulocyte (n)  
hematopoiesis (n); hematopoietic (adj); hemopoiesis (n); hemopoietic (adj)  
hemoglobin (n)  
hormone (n)  
hypochromic (adj); hypochromia (n)  
hypoxia (n)  
index (n); indices (pl)  
isohemagglutinin (n)  
leukocyte (n)  
lymphocyte (n)  
macrocyte (n); macrocytic (adj)  
megakaryocyte (n)  
microcyte (n); microcytic (adj)  
monocyte (n)  
oxyhemoglobin (n)  
plasma (n)  
platelet (n)  
polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) (n)  
prothrombin (n)  
serum (n)  
thrombin (n)  
thrombopoietin (n); thrombopoiesis (n)  
transfusion (n)  



Table 7.6

Hereditary Hematologic Disorders

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase  
hereditary elliptocytosis or ovalocytosis  
hereditary spherocytosis  
sickle cell anemia  
von Willebrandís disease  



Table 7.11

Wellness and Illness Terms Relating to the Blood

anemia (n)  
anomaly (n); anomalies (pl)  
aplasia (n); aplastic (adj)  
autoimmune (n)  
embolus (n); emboli (pl); embolization (n)  
epistaxis (n) 
erythroblastosis fetalis (n)  
extramedullary (adj)  
hemoglobinopathy (n)  
hemolysis (n); hemolyze (v); hemolytic (adj)  
hemorrhage (v, n); hemorrhagic (adj)  
hemosiderosis (n); hemosiderin (n)  
hepatomegaly (n)  
immune thrombocytopenic purpura (n)  
megaloblastic anemia (n)  
menorrhagia (n)  
microcephaly (n)  
microphthalmia (n)  
morphology (n)  
myelodysplasia (n); myelodysplastic (adj)  
myelofibrosis (n) 
occult (adj)  
pallor (n)  
pancytopenia (n)  
polycythemia vera (n)  
splenomegaly (n)  
thrombocytopenia (n)  
thrombosis (n); thromboses (pl)